Friday, January 4, 2008

Thank You Iowa!

Way to go Iowa! Thank you! Do I dare to believe? Let's go New Hampshire!


alice said...

I suggest we make the N.H. primaries a bit more interesting by having a friendly wager. Here's my challenge: Would you still be backing Obama if you had a bag of Jolly Ranchers on the line????

Angie said...

Which candidate are you wagering with? Obama does have my support. Jolly Rancher's and all... Shall we make it two bags? Hee hee. And it's not that I don't like the other candidates...

alice said...

I'm not declaring for a candidate just yet -- I was a Dodd backer and haven't decided who'll be getting my support. So for the purposes of this friendly wager, I'll say if anyone not named Obama wins the NH Democratic primary, I'll be expecting two bags of Jolly Rancher's in the mail. Otherwise, if my Senator grabs the NH primary, looks like I'll be shopping for some candy.

btw, I volunteered on his Senate campaign. If you ever get a chance to hear him talk, do it and take L. Being in the same room with him is invigorating and inspiring.

Angie said...

It's a deal. And btw. I like the original flavors. :)

But, as Scott pointed out when I told him about our little wager, the last time "we" bet with Jolly Ranchers, we ended up with a rancher from Texas. So, he thinks we should be a bit more careful with our wagers.

I'd love to hear Obama speak sometime and I'd have to rent a bus to take everyone I know with me who wants to see him too!

alice said...

Awesome results out of NH because (a) I get some Jolly Ranchers :) and (b) it continues the excitement and brings more relevance to my primary vote. This is starting off to be the most interesting and exciting primary season that I can ever remember.

Angie said...

I agree it is shaping up to be an exciting primary season! I cannot continue staying up so late to watch Charlie Rose every night though. Must sleep!

What flavor Jolly Ranchers do you prefer? When is your Primary? Ours isn't until May...

alice said...

I'm a traditionalist -- the original flavors work for me but just one bag -- two will put me into a sugar coma :)

Our primary is February 5th (Super Tuesday). It'll be interesting to see who comes out ahead in Nevada and South Carolina. And I hope Edwards stays in the race to (a) get his populist message out and (b) force Clinton and Obama to clarify their messages. This is awesome!!