Monday, January 28, 2008

Freaky Friday! And Groundhog Day!

First off, yes, I know it's not Friday. I'm referring here to the classic movie where daughter and mother "switch" places and get to experience the other's life for a day. I've had this reoccurring fantasy where the same thing happens to George W. (Now keep in mind, I'm trusting you with this information. Let's not disclose it to my therapist please.) Only in my fantasy, the movie Groundhog Day plays a major role as this "Freaky Friday" situation happens to George W. every day he wakes. The big difference is George W. lives a different person's life everyday of someone that is being hurt by one of his administration's policies. As you can imagine, the list is incredibly long!

Well, today I've added to my list a Native American person whose health care spending by our government is 50% less per capita than that of felons in prison! Now there's motivation to break the law!

President Bush’s threat to veto a bill intended to improve health care for the nation’s American Indians is both cruel and grossly unfair. Five years ago, the United States Commission on Civil Rights examined the government’s centuries-old treaty obligations for the welfare of Native Americans and found Washington spending 50 percent less per capita on their health care than is devoted to felons in prison and the poor on Medicaid. Read full article here.

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